Fellow Partner

Linus Kweku Labik (Ph.D)

    • Lecturer - Department of Physics, KNUST
    • Freelance Scientific Researcher
    • Managing Partner - BNK Investment Consult
    • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Materials Science - Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology.
    • Master of Science (MSc), Materials Science - Kwame Nkrumah University of Technology.
    • Bachelor of Science (BSc), Applied Physics - University of Development Studies

Linus is a materials research scientist and lecturer. He teaches in the Department of Marine Engineering of the Regional Maritime University, Accra, Ghana. His research interest includes thermal energy storage, waste-to-energy applications, waste water treatment and the defect and deformation of materials. He is also passionate about youth development and works with some groups to groom and mentor young persons. He has worked with the Energy Commission of Ghana and was a member of the IEA project for grooming young persons in policy development.


  1. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Labik, L. K., Nkrumah, I., and Williams, C. (2014). Removal of ammonium ions by laboratory-synthesized zeolite linde type a adsorption from water samples affected by mining activities in Ghana. Journal of Water and Health, 12(1).
  2. Kwakye-Awuah, B., Labik, L. K., Nkrumah, I., and Williams, C. (2014). Removal of arsenic in river water samples obtained from a mining community in Ghana using laboratory synthesized zeolites. International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research, 4(4).